© 2007 – 2021 William B. Hillanbrand. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A journey to Hosenfeld

To add to my genealogical website, that you may link from the right hand side, I thought I would add this blog regarding our family. As I collated facts to input into the computer, I also collected stories and memories to treasure in my mind. I hope to pass it along, in writing this blog, to my family.

The stories will come in bits and pieces. Some will be about individuals. Others will be about whole families. If anyone wishes to share stories with me, please do so by commenting.

As I compiled names of family members, I utilized Family Tree Maker software to save all of the information. To date, I have over 3,000 names within my family tree. My intent for this blog, is an exchange of family memories to pass onto successive generations. I do not wish to open skeletons within the family closet (although, I did indeed stumble over a few!), I do believe that information, especially medical family history, is important to share.

As I traveled in Germany, my wife and I rented an automobile and left Fulda for a short trip. Several kilometers away, a sleepy village awaited my exploration of the Hillenbrand (Hillanbrand) homestead. The countryside reminded me of a greener bucolic Pennsylvania. The twists and turns of the roadway were of no consequence, for I had lived in Germany for nearly four years while in the military. I felt at home in the pastoral setting. I WAS home, I thought.

Years have I searched the family lineage and I was about to set eyes on a german home. The home of my ancestor. What would it look like? Are there extended family still there? Why would Franz Hillenbrand leave this beautiful country? I understood during the late 1840's, the German Revolution had taken place, wherein the middle class and intelligentsia emigrated to America. But why would he leave? I rounded the last curve and I observed the yellow town sign for Hosenfeld.

Hosenfeld is a small town indeed. The homes line on two hillsides forming a small valley. Mostly farmland in the surrounding community. As Kellie read the map, she said, "Take the second right. Second street in, Bill, you should see the street sign." There it is!!! Hillenbrandweg (Hillanbrand Road)!!! We're almost home.

Next installment...The Homestead.


Anonymous said...

I reread your blog, an amazing story!
I truly hope we are related. Many unanswered questions would now have answers!


William Hillanbrand said...

Thanks Ross. Even if we are not related, the story itself is probably shared by many families from that part of Germany. If you get a chance, go to Fulda and its surrounding environs. It's beautiful and my feeling of being home was palpable.

Anonymous said...

WOW! an awesome read! I plan on comming back to your site often till I read every word. I can only imagine how much time and effort you put into this! Thank you!

Scott Hillanbrand Sr.

William Hillanbrand said...

Thanks Scott! I'm just getting back into it. There is just too many stories in my head, that I need to write down. I'm sure Vinnie Hillanbrand feels the same way. I hope you keep reading.